Ice Age

Friday, July 02, 2004

lemme paaaaaartyyy.....

I dont believe this oh damn lord..I am actually sitting at office on a Friday evening when the lovely weekend is waiting for me...sheet what a loss of party time...! groan.......

well i wish i cud say all my case it works the other way ard 'oh-my-gawd..what am i doing in a party..?!

Coming from a proper Chennai 'goodie goodie' studious (ah-well-ok..) background,parties (the drinking, dancing variety) in my mind was things which happened only in page 3, society magazines, and movies... and well I was in for some surprise...

All this was till I joined this comm school famous for drug addicts, co-ed hostels and ad- professionals in that order. needless to say partying was the mantra. The reasons vary frm the mundane 'assignment got cancelled' to serious stuff like 'peggy (the campus dog) has had a successful sterilizing operation done'It took me a while but I realised that all that men and women congregating and doing wild shaking of heads, bellies and other things in unison is what 'real' partying is...

I distinctly remember the first major 'party' I attended. Here i shd mention that I have this unsatiable curiosity to learn things. (are u sure they are smooching i wanna look closely.. only to be stopped by a "bug off aishwarya, cant u see we r busy?")

U bet I had a fun time peeking in and out and wandering amidst wine glasses, spaghetti tops and smooching couple. In wild excitement i started dancing embarassed frd and came and bit my ears saying "aishu, u dont dance tamilian stuff for 'we didnt start the fire' - oh damn!

too late! by then the whole drunken, semi drunken and sloshed crowd was too carried away by what they had witnessed and demanded an encore. I blushingly enjoyed my moment of glory and obliged, only to be rechristened 'maami' the next day. a lurvly name which stayed on for the rest of the time in campus.

Soon by the 48th party in our second month, I mastered the art of acting u r drunk when u havent had a sip of even plain thums up, always dancing like ur legs are wobbly, dressing up with horrendous shades of lipstick (they look good with the lighting - colour papers stuck to the study lamps provided by the insti) etc etc... All this till I realised that no matter what I shall stay a maami.

Completely given up, over time I become so good at partying that all the cue i needed was the huge speakers kept right outside my room.I got into the groove and escaped to the 24 hours library...It helped during placements u know?!

Flash front (heh heh) - Circa 2004, office - "aishu, I have these great passes for the 58th channel launch of zyx group (Highest TRP acheived - .3), do u wanna come?

zoom out and zoom in - next CEO of globule molecules ( or whatever) partying? no way..

"I have work u know?"

so there I am, sitting in office and blogging away crap, when the rest of the wrld is busy ogling at the handsome dudes and pretty dudettes and err..dancing with them...

hail parties!


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