Potter mania
Oh yes !! Have read and re-read HPHBP (thats Harry Potter book 6 for the uninitiated!) and have gotten totally into the Potter Pensieve, as I do after every book...Honestly, as many Potter fans wud admit, book 5 was a pain - I mean it just went on and on making little sense and irritated all with an angry young harry and all - JK rowling herself admits to have rambled towards the end there....
Anyways - she has compensated well enough with her latest offering in the septalogy... this seems to be THE book - I mean all the ingredients are in place for a fitting finale...but it does pain me to think that I will have the joy of waiting in eager anticipation for the pdf file to hit my mail box just one more time (kidding guys - I did pay 895 bucks;-) )
Only this time did i discover the joy of visiting the fan sites and coming out with a heady load of all possible conspiracy theories - and words which only can be understood by the chosen ones... The best part is the earnestness with which arguments are put across - I mean 'did dumbledore really die' is not such an earth shattering question after all - but try telling that there... and some of the editorials do border towards the ridiculous... I was so zapped by one which discussed that 'magical education in UK is substandard' and went on to thrash JKR for not giving exams in time for Hogwarts students - poor woman - cant imagine what plight it would be to be criticised for not having created the 'perfect' imaginary world.. and even worse, being told where she has gone wrong..!!! I get a feeling one day JKR is gonna explode and say, " guys - I created Harry and its absolutely up to me to give him any girl friend he wants :-)!!"
How I hope it is me...sigh..! (there it comes out...am so happy that atleast daniel radcliffe is real!!)